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Stay tuned for 2021 Creek Week updates!


Creek Week 2020

Join us in gaining momentum to begin Creek Week in the Dan River watershed! 


Creek Week is not one particular event, but an idea to foster relationships between our beautiful resources and residents while promoting what the Dan River watershed has to offer. Join us for a cleanup or start your own, go swimming or kayaking somewhere new- just get outside and enjoy your water!


Creek Week is a week long celebration of our waterways,

so get involved!


Engage your community, civic, school or church groups and cleanup an area that needs improvement. There is a good chance that any litter you see will make its way into our water, so clean it up and enjoy yourself while there.


Talk to youth about the importance of properly disposing trash and other potential pollutants. Point out storm drains in the street - they all lead to waterways! Litter and debris not only impacts drainage but also harms wildlife, their habitats and even the water that you drink. 


Our region has something for everyone: Rent a mountain bike from Farris Park in Mayodan and go for a ride, visit one of our awesome State Parks, travel down a river with one of the area's outfitters or just clean up your own street. The choice is yours and every little action makes a big difference! 




Though Creek Week is only a single week of the year, it can inspire positive change by creating better habits. By being active and supporting the idea of Creek Week we may spark (or reignite) a passion for our outdoors. The goal is for everyone to gain awareness of the significant resources we have and develop a better understanding of how we can maintain them for the generations to come. 




  "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children"

Good Stewards is an accredited 501(c)3 organization based in Mayodan, NC. Our mission is to protect and preserve the environment for current residents and the generations to come.  

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